By Ruskbyte
Donald McLeod posted a comment on Tuesday 27th May 2008 2:00pm
Oh boy! This is a good SF Harry Potter.
Thank you
ps I like the ship talk comment also their names and ship class.
Mariposa posted a comment on Tuesday 27th May 2008 1:58pm
Oh wow great chapter! I loved the way Harry reacted after the incident. I can't wait to see what's coming up next.
brad posted a comment on Monday 26th May 2008 1:07am
Well, I see Hermione has been introduced to the story! Not quite the impressive entrance that I would have liked though ... :-(
Ah well, the H/Hr in me still liked Hermione's clinging to Harry 'like a limpet' in her gratitude. :-) Even though you've made it clear that Harry's already dismissed her from his mind :-(
I'm kicking myself for not seeing that you had this planned all along, given the timing of Harry's admittance into Hogwarts. I guess Ron was still a prat and had someone to talk (loudly) to about how unbearable he found Hermione after all.
Harry's got a foul mouth on him, hasn't he?
Well-written chapter as always and entertaining reading, thank you!
bonzi posted a comment on Sunday 25th May 2008 2:30pm
Somebody has already linked several relevant Wikipedia entries considering Culture. Here are some more for the uninitiated:
Culture FAQ
Banksie's own 'A Few Notes on the Culture'
There is a Culture mailing list, relatively low-traffic and mostly off-topic except at the times of new book releases, Banks' tours, fan conventions (called CrowCons, see about the novel and the mini TV-series). These two sites have slightly different instructions for subscribing:
rune1806 posted a comment on Sunday 25th May 2008 12:24pm
That was a very interesting take on the troll in the school scene. I really enjoy the way you are crafting the story.
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Saturday 24th May 2008 10:28pm
Okay, update. I am in love with this fic, please keep it coming.
koppe posted a comment on Saturday 24th May 2008 7:19pm
Another great chapter.
Though I had hoped - and expected - that Harry and Hermione would have bonded more over the troll-incident. Still, Hermione has undoubtfully noticed that there is *something* about him, and will probably puzzle together something.
How much does Dumbledore suspect? A suitcase transforming and flying away is after all unusual...
I really hope Harry and Hermione becomes friends - and preferbly lovers eventually (or better; soon). Speaking of lovers, hope Sma resolve to wait until Harry is older soon crumbles.
Keep up the good work, and update soon.
jb238 posted a comment on Saturday 24th May 2008 10:23am
I like the story! Subtle disposal of the troll. At least they did not concuss the troll enough to start nuclear fusion. "Merlin's Bollocks!" exclamation by Minerva is priceless. I look forward to the handling of Quirrell and the first potion lession :-)
DrT posted a comment on Saturday 24th May 2008 5:05am
Well, an interesting introduction to Harry for Hermione, I must say!
Elfwyn posted a comment on Saturday 24th May 2008 1:23am
Fantastic. The troll scene was great, however, I thought Harry was combat trained, why did he freeze? Surely simulation of combat training would have had people dieing, so why other than the gore was he so shocked? Either way it was riveting as always. Thanks.
Ben10 posted a comment on Friday 23rd May 2008 10:25pm
Damn . . . that's really good. All the technology makes me wish we were currently living in a more advanced era.
xalphardx posted a comment on Friday 23rd May 2008 9:55pm
Thoroughly enjoyable!! Keep writing.
Mark Blaine posted a comment on Friday 23rd May 2008 8:52pm
Good work. I feel for Harry - troll splatters are difficult to deal with. And, given it was kidnapped, a certain righteous indignation is understandable.
Beonid posted a comment on Friday 23rd May 2008 6:35pm
Happy days are here again! Thank you for updating! Now that I've read some of the Culture novels, I finally understand what's going on!
Bedrup posted a comment on Friday 23rd May 2008 12:30pm
Liking it.
The_Warden posted a comment on Friday 23rd May 2008 8:27am
Great to see an update, seems like both culture and Dumbles & co are surprised by each others capabilities. I'm surprised Dumbles immediately realized it was Harry who 'apparated' them away from Hogwarts, I would have thought that he would have suspected Sma instead. The demand for financial compensation seemed odd to me, though I suppose the fic does require Harry to attend Hogwarts and not some other school.
Amamama posted a comment on Friday 23rd May 2008 6:27am
Yay! Poor Harry, being sprayed with troll goo - I feel nauseous just thinking about it. I quite enjoyed that jump when he brought himself, Sma and the drones onto the CGU. Dumbledore never expected that, did he? And when whill the old man realize it's better to come clean with his reasons for wanting to have Harry at Hogwarts, rather than try this stupid manipulating?
Well, I really enjoy this story, which to my eyes at least is wonderfully original and inventive. Looking forward to the next part!
LaCroix posted a comment on Friday 23rd May 2008 2:34am
Great Story! Keep up the good work.
Jiapa posted a comment on Friday 23rd May 2008 1:43am
Yay. An update! Now I must sleep!
PaulKellington posted a comment on Wednesday 28th May 2008 5:22pm