Content Harry Potter


Tanaxanth posted a comment on Tuesday 30th September 2008 9:10am


Was this supposed to be here?

[Goodbyes at the Leaky Cauldron.]

[Harry will be going with McGonagall to Hogwarts, to be Sorted during dinner.]

[Sma quietly talks to Harry.]

[Mentions the "Stone" that the microdrone heard the staff talking about. Tells him to keep an ear out for any mention of it.]

Or was it to be more?

robesh posted a comment on Friday 15th August 2008 6:34pm

Great story! Never read The Culture, so it was hard to keep up in the beginning. I'm looking forward for Harry interacting with students and teachers, without Sma watching his back all the time.

Very enjoyable, keep it up!

Gena posted a comment on Friday 8th August 2008 4:19am

That was a good read. Not something I'll wait for if it is abandoned, which it seems to be. Either that, a writer's block or real life kicking your ass. I'll probably not even enter this site again for quite a while anyway.

Gena posted a comment on Thursday 7th August 2008 4:20pm

"They had just finished another one. A conflict involving a good portion of the globe, including England, had entered into a perturbing conflict in a region that was euphemistically called the "Middle East". A war fought over oil of all things." I had to check that up because I thought about the American war for oil disguised as a war against terrorism at first. Oh well, you learn something new every day. Perhaps I should read up on more recent history. It was very interesting, and if you ever decide to make a gory work out of this you could start by not stopping the Order of the Phoenix from being blown up or sliced to death.

Gena posted a comment on Thursday 7th August 2008 3:09am

Really the only complaint I have for this chapter is the "magical exhaustion" bit. I've never liked the idea seeing as there is nothing that supports the theory, even in the first few books. If it was supported, then Tom Riddle would have been wrong when he told Harry in the Chamber that he would become more powerful than Ginny ever was. He drew the life out of Ginny to create a new body for himself, remember? Anyway, it could possibly fit with this crossover, but I wouldn't know seeing as I've never read the Culture novels. This is easy to read and understand anyway. I suppose that makes you a great author, even if other things in the story didn't.

ching965 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th July 2008 7:29pm

interesting new perspective
wonderful writing though
i greatly enjoyed reading it
hope for more

creaothceann posted a comment on Sunday 20th July 2008 6:27am

Hopefully it's the latter...

Terdwilicker posted a comment on Wednesday 16th July 2008 6:29pm

53 days and counting. Is this story dead or is life just really hectic so there's no time to write?

kyoshi posted a comment on Friday 11th July 2008 5:15pm

I'm really enjoying the story! I love it when Dumbledore gets put in his place. Hope to see the next chapter soon! Best regards Kyoshi

Carol Layland posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 10:49pm

Oh, please continue this it is too rich with implications and possibilities to ignore. I love SciFi and Harry Potter and put the two together you have a sure winner. I do love the inovative way that you have done this.

Terdwilicker posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 4:33pm

42 Days now. Kinda hoping to see something else written for this story.

alec_potter posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd July 2008 2:39pm

Just one question which has been bugging me for quite some time. Why did everyone guess(rightly so) that it is Harry who apparated the whole group out of hospital wing??

Terdwilicker posted a comment on Saturday 21st June 2008 4:41pm

So, here we are 30 days later, anxious to see Harry choose a wand, deal with the possible realization by the smartest witch of her generation that he's got scifi robots living with him, and the humor value of exploded troll stink removal efforts. Oh, and the Minds finding all the "muggle-repelling warded" areas and exploring them remotely from space, including Diagon Alley, which he hasn't visited yet. They should find magically expanded spaces to be fascinating. Aerial photos of centaurs and dragons would prove interesting too. Imagine Sma looking them over with a degree of horror. The Culture would send droid or scout missiles to observe all the weird magical creatures and spaces for their records. They're meticulous about that kind of thing, at least in canon from "Excession" and "Use of Weapons" anyway.

RNCybergate posted a comment on Saturday 21st June 2008 5:11am

A very interesting and unique Harry Potter story.
I love it!
I'll be waiting (fairly impatiently) for the next few chapters...

Well done!

***Lets place bets how long it will take for Snape to get his head blown off...or something similar.(Wouldn't be surprised if he annoys Harry too much) LOL***


Nemoblank posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 10:01pm

Very interesting.

Thwaaack posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 8:57pm

Thomas: I wouldn't consider Sma's dislike of DUmbledore irrational. Keep in mind that she was the one who found Harry on the Doorstep, and that Dumbles did sign the letter that accompanied him. If I were in Sma's shoes, Dumbledore would have to do a LOT to redeem himself in the face of just the action of leaving a child on a doorstep.

I do agree, however, that we should get a glimpse of Harrys "training" prior to coming back to Earth.

I can't wait for the next update, hopefully including Harry's sorting and Harry's first interaction with Snape.

swordsandspells posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 5:47pm

A few words come to mind when reading this new chapter, words like Holy shit, super badass, and completely awesome. Please give us more soon, I am loving this story.

ThomasWatts posted a comment on Sunday 1st June 2008 3:21am

Ms. Sma is an unmitigated elitist ass bag. She irrationally dislikes Dumbledore almost without reason. If she disliked AD after finding the proper answers I would perhaps enjoy her character. As she is now I would care less if she was the one that exploded in a spray of blood.

More explanations are needed of how Harry learned and trained his 'Grid Manipulation'.

I do look forward to more.

FireFairy posted a comment on Saturday 31st May 2008 1:39pm

Ooooooohhhhhhh please update this soon, its really interesting, in fact i sincerely doubt I ever read a fanfic like this! Thanks so much for a great chapter!

Kathleen posted a comment on Thursday 29th May 2008 8:23am

Interesting. Since I haven't read the books this is based on (I mean the Culture books), I had no idea they'd be so upset about life being destroyed. That was really neat.