By Ruskbyte
Thwaaack posted a comment on Thursday 10th January 2008 4:49am
Its good to see you are still around and writing. I'm looking forward to your next chapter.
morriganscrow posted a comment on Wednesday 9th January 2008 9:24am
What a fabulous beginning!
I have no knowledge of the Xover you're using, but the combination with HP is wonderful. I will be following this most original and well written story with care.
Jizzle posted a comment on Tuesday 8th January 2008 11:45pm
Still have no idea what it is your crossing with here, but it just gets more and more interesting. Sexually liberal, 11 year old Harry should be hilarious when he shows up to Hogwarts. Indeed, I'm looking forward to the next update. Happy writing.
Terdwilicker posted a comment on Tuesday 8th January 2008 8:34pm
Just thinking more on the interactions with Hogwarts characters. Tonks is in her 7th year when Harry is in his 1st. If he's physically matured, he'd notice the abilities of Tonks and at least meet her, have a drone scan her ability and determine its completely different from Changers in Consider Phlebas.
DNA scan and detection/scan of Hermione and Dean's magical cores will be crucial information for a successful breeding program for Culture wizards, btw. After all, you can compare them against the Purebloods like Luna, Ron, and Neville who'd allow for scans just because they're friends of Harry. Assuming Harry can stand a moron like Ron. It would be amusing to pit Ron against the Player of Games, btw. That guy is obsessed with real challenges and Ron never loses. As long as you're having a xover you may as well bring in some of the more interesting Culture characters.
It will be weird writing Harry when he's unable to lose his temper. Its just not possible with Culture glands. They're always always sane. He's be very odd. Another quirk is he won't mind the stares or attention, as you've already stated he's famous in the Culture as the sole wizard. Other than Luna and her father, who else in the Wizarding society would be willing to go into the Culture? And would the culture drones heal Frank and Alice Longbottom? Fixing brains is something Minds and thereby drones can do easily with the correct field manipulators, once the know what to look for. The Chairmaker got away with it because he hid his madness very well. The fixed him afterwards so he remained useful, and lost the self-destructive urges and memories of his terrible guilt that nearly killed him.
And what House will Harry land in? I hope its not the usual Slytherin or Griffindor, as both houses are mad, and the Culture doesn't make citizens mad for power or insanely brave. He's more likely to fall under Ravenclaw, due to intense study, or Hufflepuff, due to his loyalty to the Culture, and the fact that Hufflepuffs would have the most in common with the Culture anyway... that would make the most sense, actually. Hope these are helpful comments. Looking forward to more of your story.
How will Culture citizens treat the dangerous but mentally inferior members of Wizarding Britain? That will be interesting. Hope you write new chapters soon.
Jeremy DuCharme posted a comment on Tuesday 8th January 2008 6:44pm
GCU That's No Moon and GCU Not Life as We Know It
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Tuesday 8th January 2008 12:40pm
Boy, can we have fun with this!!
Here are my proposals for some possible names for the two GCUs mentioned, assuming translation from the Marain, although I don't know what Class(s) they would be in:
GCU Run In Circles
GCU Snarky Boojum
GCU Artificial Stupidity
GCU Sideways Quark
GCU Anomaly
GCU Strange Loop
well you get the idea!
Panaka posted a comment on Tuesday 8th January 2008 11:23am
I like where this is going. I'm a bit of a sci-fi fan but haven't been able to find a good HP/sci-fi crossover. most seem really out there.
For the twin in system GCU's:
Touch and Go
It wasn't me...honest
Just one question: what is culture and if it's a book, who's the writer?
Chris Jenks posted a comment on Tuesday 8th January 2008 3:03am
Very nice.
I'll have to look into this series... do you have a recommendation on where to start? The first two or three books a newcomer to the series should read?
Terdwilicker posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 10:09pm
More please.
GCUs or GSVs? Either way, the warships tend to have slightly more ironic names like Gunboat Diplomat and Walk Softly.
You'll have to explain how the electronics can deal with the wards at Hogwarts, known to destroy electronics and whether the Culture classifies them as effector fields or not. One of the ship Minds should be tasked with historical research. The Gray Area is dead, so its a pity there's none around like that to figure out the Fidelius charms, much less pry secrets out of people's heads. I can only imagine what a delicate Mind can do to pry secrets from Lucious Malfoy, much less their discovery of the Wizarding prison, the various lost species, and the discovery of hidden locations on the earth's surface. Culture novels often have Minds quite dedicated to archival and cataloging discoveries, such as complete mapping of a planetary system, as well as its libraries, bunkers, and shallow graves. You'd do well to incorporate these tidbits between sections of school stories and Harry's somewhat stilted interaction with the typical school characters at Hogwarts. That will be interesting. He's far more logical and balanced than any of the HP characters, period, so it will effect their friendships a great deal. They're ignorant children with a child's mind, and would have little to offer him beyond explanation of the local weirdness. If he's followed by a drone, so much the better. I can scarcely imagine what the school bullies would make of a drone. As this won't be secret within the Wizarding world, how the wizards react to learning there's a supremely advanced civilization out there which can easily overwhelm them should really flabberghast them. They thought it was tough dealing with 6.5 billion muggles. Now they learn there's a couple Trillion Culture citizens, all superhumans with magical technology they can't compare. You'll have to approach the ambassadorial interactions with the Ministry carefully or operate with Harry as a spy, secretly. That may be easier at first, but the secret will have to fail eventually. Your choice as to when and how the Ministry and magical public react to the news.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 9:33pm
I doubt the Culture would get the reference, but MSV It's Five O'Clock Somewhere sounds like a fun one.
Terdwilicker posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 9:11pm
Amused. I am greatly amused. As a fan of the Culture series for more than 10 years, its nice to see them used in a xover. I sincerely hope that you allow Harry a drone and a terminal for his personal used while at hogwarts. And possibly a module which he ends up installing a small culture factory in the Chamber of Secrets. I could easily see him constructing his own tower of modern alloys and allowing a few other drones access to the students and staff, perhaps a cultural anthropologist drone to give interviews. With a GCU in the Oort Cloud it would be amusing for Harry to have the duties of an ambassador, and determine after interaction with the Malfoys etc that the Wizarding culture must be reformed to culture standards as it runs on oppressive bigotry and sexism and that's just not the culture way of doing things. A visit from our intrepid general might be a good idea too. He's appeared in a number of Banks' novels as a bit player.
SirBino posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 7:09pm
How about the GCU That's Going To Leave A Mark and the GCU It's Tuesday Somewhere.
This is an interesting story, and I can't wait for Harry's interaction with the Sorting Hat. That's going to blow the It's Not My Fault's mind.
jdcox61 posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 6:31pm
GCU That's What She Said
jdcox61 posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 6:30pm
Oh yeah, there's also the ever popular
GCU My Bad
jdcox61 posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 6:28pm
Very Interesting, I haven't read the crossover material, but you're making it easy to follow along, which is great.
What sort of names are you looking for? I think these might be funny if you want them:
Watch Out O'er There
and That Wasn't Supposed to Happen
These are just some of the first that came to mind
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 5:50pm
It was those knickknacks that kept track of Harry’s location, relative to Hogwarts, that left Dumbledore truly befuddled. First and foremost was an enchanted compass, whose needle would always point towards the boy. A problem arose, however, in the fact that the needle would never settled down in a single direction. Not once in ten years. In the first few weeks the needle had swung round and round, completing four revolutions each day. After that, it had settled to only one revolution a day, though there had been a period of roughly a month (four years ago) wherein it had shifted in some complicated manner before settling down again. Regardless of the change, the needle continued to spin lazy round its axis, completing one revolution a day.
It's really a pity that Dumbles never really familiarized himself with, or if he did, failed to keep up with, the muggle world. Those indicators would clearly mean something to anyone living the last third, at least, of the 20th century and in any first or second world country (likely at least some in third-world countries, too, at least among the better educated) with the ready growth of operations in space. It does make you wonder, then, just how much magical energy was expended by that ritual to contact Harry. I daresay that Dumbles was/will be quite surprised by the amount of effort that required; if he does a power/distance calculation, that will -really- unnerve him, though it might prepare him, somewhat, for Harry's return.
As 'tis, you've got two vastly different cultures and more than the usual probabilities for mis-communication. I'm definitely looking forward to future chapters.
Joe4 posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 12:53pm
GCU It's not my fault
GCU I wasn't even there
GCU Don't blame me
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 12:26pm
Wow! Really getting into this here, and got to say, will be wondering what will happen with Harry once he arrives, and given the way he's grown up, how he'll be reacting to such things as Snape's and Malfoy's taunts, as well as Dumbledore's manipulations, and what the interactions with the ladies will be like since Harry is being trained by the others on the journey.
Kathleen posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 11:38am
Very interesting. Harry seems quite mature -- more like 18 or so. Dumbledore is in for a shock. I wonder what a knife-missile is? Can Harry control it? Can it do a small amount of damage, or does it destroy everything, or both?
sylver_skoon posted a comment on Thursday 10th January 2008 11:14am