By Ruskbyte
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 1:17pm
Heh, it's amazing how cultural expectations can affect perception of reality. Faced with the information Dumbles has, particularly the behavior of the tracking compasses in conjunction with the power requirements of the rite, someone from a modern-tech muggle background would look at a very long distance (as in several light years, minimum) as being obvious, yet Dumbles doesn't even consider that properly and immediately jumps to the idea of strong wards and protections, which he is familiar with. On the other manipulative member, the Minds can't seem to comprehend that abilities such as magic gives need to be trained; if they're monitoring Harry's lessons, I imagine his clones/copies will get similar training to see if they can learn to handle magic. I wonder who's going to get more surprises, Dumbles or the Minds?
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 12:21pm
Very nice, and got to say, given how protective of Harry that the Minds are, along with Sma, I'd say that unless something really goes wrong, people will not be at all prepared for just how insane it will get when he finally arrives. Looking forward to the next part, and to what the observation ships report on the planet.
Christopher Gilmore posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 9:43am
Fabulous, as always. This is the kind of story that always leaves you ready for more. Thanks again for writing it!
canoncansodoff posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 9:40am
This is a great story...I used to read a lot of sci-fi as a kid, and you've drawn be back to it enough that I'm thinking about a trip to amazon to load up on IM Banks novels.
The sexual mores of the Culture, as depicted in this fic, should prove interesting once Harry arrives at Hogwarts (Come to think of hit, Sma will be a trip, as well). He'll certainly be more experienced than any of the other 11 year old wizards. But will you run up against age of consent issues (either in the story or in the real world?) Hope not.
Michael Foerster posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 9:08am
Wonderful work. I really like Your way of story-telling. So, I'll have to stand in line with all the others to wait for the next chapter of this fabulous work.
Thanks for your work.
tula posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 8:29am
great new fic so far.
its truly a pleasure to see you return to the site.
Do you have any set plans on how far you want to take this story HP canon wise? Because as far as i can see this Harry should be done with quite strong compared to the normal people on earth (in more ways than one).
Adrian R Brown posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 8:13am
Another great chapter. A very fresh and unique crossover. Can't wait to read more!
Chris1 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 7:19am
Have you given any thought to what the pairing of this will end up as? Or it will be a /Multi fic?
Thanks for sharing this fic :D The ship names are hilarious, and so far, I've not had any trouble following the fic, despite not knowing more than the wiki info on The Culture.
Great job :)
Bedrup posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 7:13am
Liking this more and more
James Barber posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 6:14am
Great update! so he heading back to the backwater primitive planet of his birth, and I take it he didnt get laid they just fooled around rubbing it other more or less. cuddling I guess you could call it. He ought to have a relationship with his guardian sma, I think they would be good for each other.
DrT posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 5:33am
I know nothing about the 'culture', but I'm curious, if Harry is old enogh for serious sex play, why they don't use artificial insemenation to make a bunch of little Harry and Harriets
gallandro_83 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 5:03am
another great chapter,
i am not really sure how your going to fit this series through the entire scope of the harry potter novels but as someone who has followed your stories since your wonderful OOtP i can't wait to see how its done I am surprised though that with a course of astronomy on the hogwarts curriculim and the possible importance of it through all the fields of magic that Dumbledoor is so dismisive of harry being in outerspace (although he probably missed the fact that the "muggles" have sent a man to the moon) I mean plenty of observable bodies in our own solar system have the different occilations relative to the planet that Dumbledoor observed (satelites most definetly)
anyway just wanted to say thankx for another great chapter in another great story I hope to read more soon
ps-- I realize it is probably more than abandoned but will you ever talk about what went on in that first chapter of the shattering of souls, personally i still think we were seeing harry potter's soul finding its way into draco's comatose body
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 4:46am
Another interesting chapter.
One thought jumped out at me immediately: Harry is wrong if he thinks that being on Earth will free him from manipulative old coots. He will just be swapping an AI for a flesh and blood old coot. :-p
Okay... so the Drone has been authorised to use maximum force against threats. In this context, I suspect that is sufficient firepower to flatten a city. Life at Hogwarts is about to get... interesting. At least we know what is going to happen to the Troll, Malfoy... and possibly Snape too (what would be the Culture's view of a telepathic intrusion?).
I am also still somewhat disappointed at Dumbledore's inability to draw inferrences from the information supplied by his tracking and monitoring devices. Still, I cannot entirely blame him. Even a Muggle would initially suspect a malfuction of some kind. I mean... in space? How many light years away?
I'm still looking forward to the arrival at Hogwarts. It is at that point that things will really take off.
BenRG's Rating: 7/10
Caementum posted a comment on Tuesday 15th January 2008 9:51pm
I'm glad you are writing again. Even though I have never read the books about 'The Culture' I'm looking forward to how this story progresses.
jalva200 posted a comment on Thursday 10th January 2008 10:43pm
i say i really really really enjoying this story.
Hope you will write more, i am really enjoying it, hope harry will be a kick ass mother fucker, and i hope he and hermione hook up!
Write more soon and ill read thats for sure!
jalva200 posted a comment on Thursday 10th January 2008 7:38pm
Sounds ok, don't know much about the metro prime world but sounds like it will be quite a bit of fun. Keep up the grea work i really loving it so far, HA HOPE DUMBLES DIES A HORRIBLE PAINFUL DEATH FOR HIS STUPID ASS!!
Anyway update soon this could be a good story!
pfeil posted a comment on Thursday 10th January 2008 4:54pm
Fun idea; I look forward to reading more.
I'm rather curious what that knife missile would do to a troll, though I'd rather see Harry and Hermione together in Hufflepuff and avoid the whole thing.
I'll spare you my rant about why Harry being in Hufflepuff would solve (or at least lessen) all of his problems in canon, since he's rather different here.
And I bet in a year or two Hermione'd be willing to procreate with him, if it got her a chance to learn from this guardians and maybe a bit of personal engineering...
Thwaaack posted a comment on Thursday 10th January 2008 1:07pm
For those of you curious about where this Crossover comes from, see
I haven't read them yet, but I'll have to check them out.
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Thursday 10th January 2008 11:59am
Looks like a whole fleet to me.....
GCU By his Bootstraps
GCU Fool me Twice, Shame on Me
GCU Can't Change the Laws of Physics
GCU Sufficiently Advanced Technology
GCU Dancing in the Rain.
GCU Where Shall We Have Lunch
GCU I've Got A Bad Feeling About This
GCU Never Tell Me The Odds.
GCU To Go Boldly But Not Stupidly
GCU It's Not -My- Planet
GCU Sheds Blame Like Water
GCU Re-Interpreting the Facts
GCU They Say Size Isn't That Important
GCU 2+2=5 somewhere
GCU Don't be long where you don't belong
GCU It's a typo
GCU Impossible n'est pas Francais (Impossible is not French)
GCU That's No Moon
GCU Not Life as We Know It
GCU Runs In Circles
GCU Snarky Boojum
GCU Artificial Stupidity
GCU Sideways Quark
GCU Anomaly
GCU Strange Loop
GCU Touch and Go
GCU It wasn't me...honest
GCU Gunboat Diplomat
GCU Walk Softly.
GCU It's Five o'Clock Somewhere
GCU That's Going To Leave a Mark
GCU It's Tuesday Somewhere.
GCU That's What She Said
GCU My Bad
GCU Watch Out O'er There
GCU Oops
GCU That Wasn't Supposed to Happen
GCU It's not my fault
GCU I wasn't even there
GCU Don't blame me
GCU I Didn't Do It
GCU It Wasn't Me
and more on the slipways no doubt.
Chris Jenks posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 1:37pm