By Ruskbyte
lonelighters posted a comment on Tuesday 26th April 2011 11:14am
This is a very good story and I hope you update it soon
Ron Roberts posted a comment on Sunday 20th February 2011 1:15am
I've held off reading the story for a very long time as I didn't think I would enjoy a high tech super Harry.
I really, really enjoyed what you have written !!
noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 8th February 2011 4:16am
What will happen when/if Harry finds out that Bumble and Snivelous consider everyone else's minds to be theirs to rape as they wish?
Update some day, please.
Tzu Con posted a comment on Sunday 6th February 2011 9:46pm
It ended. How can the most interesting and entertaining story I've read in years be INCOMPLETE!
*Screams in frustration*
True AI with personality and humour, an accurate description of the Sorting Hat, DD being taken to task, a brilliant integration of the work of Banks, and it's over!
I only just found this story, and as you have probably already gathered: I'm extremely impressed. Easily on par with your other writings, and close to a series after my own heart.
Ruddy hell I need a drink...And to re-read the series.
Tzu Con - Frustrated by the time constraints on a fanfic writer.
nomad062 posted a comment on Friday 22nd October 2010 7:09pm
This is an amazing story. I would love to see more.
Antoniusan posted a comment on Wednesday 20th October 2010 1:07am
No more chapters? NOO! I might not have read/know anything about the book series (except for the Harry Potter books), however this fanfic is very interesting and well written. I think that after reading a few more Dresden Files books I'll have to look these up.
Please write some more and Keep Up the Good Work!
Charles Newton posted a comment on Sunday 17th October 2010 8:17pm
I was a bit disappointed that Harry and Hermione will only be seeing one another at meals and whatever free time they may have, as I think you are running with the canon-style scheduling of classes; on the other hand, Luna won't get pushed around next year when she shows up with Harry in Ravenclaw....
Really looking forward to what you have up your sleeve next. :^D
crazyjim87 posted a comment on Wednesday 13th October 2010 12:48pm
Will you update the story? i would like to read more of it
Riven posted a comment on Wednesday 29th September 2010 11:35am
this one really needs an update
darkplayer35 posted a comment on Monday 30th August 2010 4:59pm
Awesome story. I like the crossover. I like the whole ship AI/Minds and the Culture. I look forward to reading more. Please update soon.
EricMyerson posted a comment on Sunday 22nd August 2010 6:59am
SO, is there any chance of seeing more of this one? Ever? Please?
Rijl Kent posted a comment on Thursday 5th August 2010 3:38am
This is a very intriguing crossover! I don't know if I would like it more or less if I had read the Culture books, but I'm thinking about doing so know. I enjoy reading about that Culture as well as the clash of cultures that's now ongoing. I might get more out of this if I had the Culture story background, but I would lose the nuggets of learning about it from you.
Two quick points that remain in my head: in an early chap you use 'Irregardless' which isn't a word! And in this last chap or the one before you use weary when you mean wary (or maybe wearily instead of warily).
It's very fun to see more muggle reaction to magic than earth muggles have. I would think at some point the Minds would expect the unexpected after seeing what Harry can do, though. It's great to watch the unfolding clash, and I'm looking forward to more of Harry's interactions at Hoggy warts.
So, does review #500 push your muse over the edge? *nudge*
What I mean to say is, hope more of this is coming sometime. Thanks for sharing!
William Martin posted a comment on Sunday 9th May 2010 1:35pm
Thanks for a very interesting story. I'm struggling a bit because I haven't read the story yours is based on, but your writing style is very professional. I love the humor you slip, or in some cases rather brazenly bludgeon, in to the story. Brilliant! 100/10
shaggy53dog53 posted a comment on Thursday 29th April 2010 8:03am
I'll add my voice to the others:
Great story, I hope you haven't completely abandoned it -
can't wait for the next chapter!
BTW - I also enjoyed your "Order of the Phoenix" and "Well of Shadows", but "Culture Shock" is a real gem!
Arcteryx001 posted a comment on Saturday 24th April 2010 10:16pm
Great start to a story. I hope you are planning to finish it. I enjoyed your other finished stories. Please don't stop writing.
Banner posted a comment on Friday 9th April 2010 8:24pm
I just reread this one from the beginning, and I'm delighted with it. Again. I love the way Harry is so changed - he's *sane,* and that's a very unusual thing in the HP fandom. Sma is currently in second place for best mother of all time (right behind Cordelia Naismith.) This story is fresh and fun.
I hope your muse leads you back here.
Michael Cornfoot posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd March 2010 5:35pm
Cant wait for another update.
will it take long?
sidiousclone posted a comment on Saturday 6th March 2010 10:51pm
hmmmm story gets better and better by chapter the reaction from being covered by the troll remains was very well thought out i see that dumbledore is slowly being figured out lol and the hats reaction to the implied rape was excellent im eagerly awaiting what else you will serve us with in the next installment
Paul Blay posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd March 2010 10:40pm
I like this story a lot. I suspect it's rather hard going writing it, especially without losing the balance between the two systems of magic and Culture-science. I hope to see it continued.
jimmycranberry posted a comment on Sunday 8th May 2011 1:42am