Content Harry Potter


MagyarEagle posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 6:48pm for Special Circumstances

I absolutely love this. I'm glad to see you're back, and I can't wait for more.

Leigh Robertson posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 6:45pm for Special Circumstances

I like it.
Want more . . . .

How will an owl get to outer space?

Will advanced Culture tech work in the Wizarding world?

Will Voldemort be atomized by a ray gun?

T.Zukumori posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 6:04pm for Special Circumstances

Very interesting. I knew nothing about I.M. Banks' novels, but after a few google searches, I think I get it.

For those who might be interested to learn more, you can read about the author at Wikipedia, or do a google search for this essay by the author "Iain M. Banks" entitled, "A Few Notes on the Culture." Quite interesting.

I am intrigued, and look forward to future installments.

Thanks for the offering, and I hope you have a Happy New Year.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 5:41pm for Special Circumstances

*laughs* Oh, my, this is going to be an interesting crossover, indeed. I can see why this advanced civilization would be so very, very interested in learning about and understanding Harry, he's clearly a representative of a level of ability, perhaps entire fields of ability, that they'd been unaware of. If they are also a long-lived bunch, he may also represent the first really novel even most have experienced and be treasured all the more for it.

I can't say I feel at all sorry for Dumbles, though, since he didn't really care enough to provide -real- protection.

'Twill be interesting to watch the interactions as the story continues, an individual use to the tools of a very high-tech civilization is not going to appreciate being limited, if he can be, to the traditional tools of British Wizarding Society.

impliedauthor posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 5:04pm for Special Circumstances

Interesting. I'll have to keep reading this. I've always wondered why in the world Dumbledore left a baby on a doorstep, doesn't seem very safe to me.

allen_f_ross posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 4:52pm for Special Circumstances

This does look interesting. Of course now I have to go and read the works you are crossing Harry Potter over with as I am not familiar with Iain M. Bank’s Culture novels.

noahshonor posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 4:06pm for Special Circumstances

Welcome back. Looking forward to more of everything.

Chris1 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 4:05pm for Special Circumstances

I don't know what the other universe is, but this story sounds really interesting. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Welcome back! And Happy New Year!! :D


Kathleen posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 2:58pm for Special Circumstances

What an intriguing beginning! Hope to read more!

Amamama posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 2:49pm for Special Circumstances

Oooh, intriguing! I have no knowledge whatsoever of the universe this is crossing over into, but I don't care. I'm intrugued, and I want more. *grins* Seriously, this is an interesting take on the "happy childhood (at least non-Dursley) for Harry" genre. And I look forward to the reactions of Sma and her companions when they discover that magic is real. Cool start, very promising.

Happy new year - I look forward to the journey!

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 2:43pm for Special Circumstances

Interesting start.

I'm not familiar with Iain M. Bank’s Culture novels, but I have thought before that it would interesting to see the Wizarding World contrasted with an SF muggle world that had advanced to (or beyond) the level of current magic.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

KingDark posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 2:11pm for Special Circumstances

well, I thought that this had been posted a while ago, but with what other show/anime/cartoon whatever is this exactly?

I am guessing star wars maybe?

Could you contact me to answer that question?


greywizard posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 2:05pm for Special Circumstances

Now this is a crossover that I can't ever recall seeing being done by anyone. Definitely interested in seeing more of it. Hopefully, SOON! ;-)

Good job.

Sheepstamper posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 12:48pm for Special Circumstances

Interesting, nice to see you back. Sheeps

Cuey posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 12:41pm for Special Circumstances

I've never read the Culture novels but this seems interesting, I can't wait to see more.

Ashley Drury posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 12:37pm for Special Circumstances

Interesting start. I look forward to seeing how you develop the story.

Keep it up.

davidiusbrown posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 12:21pm for Special Circumstances

Since the Culture timeline is somewhat open to conjecture, maybe Harry can learn Occulmency from the greatest Leglimens of all, Grey Area, a.k.a Meatfucker, one of the ex-culture ships found in

At the very least, Harry could exclaim at Snape, "Get the hell out of my mind Meatfucker!"

And Harry would get to attend Hogwarts with a Drone.

Not to mention that Harry can spend his History of Magic lectures glanding drugs.

Great concept.

JBern posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 11:28am for Special Circumstances

Welcome back.~Jim

goofy posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 11:19am for Special Circumstances

A very interesting story so far, I look forward to seeing what you have in mind, and it's good to see you back and writing again. I only hope that you are able to continue with Backwards Compatible as that is one of my favorite stories

Happy New Year!

Mal-3 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st January 2008 11:09am for Special Circumstances

Holy shit.

If you pull this one off, man, you'll have earned a spot in Crossover Valhalla. HP and the motherfucking *Culture* is something I'd never imagined anybody *ever* having the stones to try, much less *post.*

Minor Culturnik quibble: Since it's Sma who's, ah, *borrowing* lil' Harry, why didn't you have her on the Arbitrary from "State of the Art"? In the straight Culture timeline it was just there four years back...

Anyway. Trainwreck or glory, this one's gonna be legendary. And if nothing else, it'll help kill time until Matter comes out next month. ;)