Content Harry Potter


Wooster posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 12:48pm

Fantastic! I always kind of liked Fleur, she's got an interesting sense of humor. I can tell this is going to get REALLY romantic...if something doesn't interrupt...

Wooster posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 12:29pm

I adore Fred and George so much!!! And I like the idea of Voldemort in the Dursley's back garden even more than I like the Mexico one. I can see it now. "Who are you?" "I'm Lord Voldemort" "You mean the guy trying to kill our nephew?" "Whose your nephew?" "Harry Potter." "YOU'RE HIS RELATIVES???" "Unfortunately." "You don't like him?" "No." Then they start a 'We Hate Harry' club and have secret rituals in Petunia's kitchen.

Gena posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 12:26pm

yay that was so good i can't even say anything... wow and Snuffles is back yay

Wooster posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 12:17pm

Uh...lesse llamo Lord Voldemort. No, no, Voldemort. Volde- Oh for the love of Merlin. Me llamo Tom. Ok. Ok. Hable anglais? Por favor!!! Which. Way. To. ENGLAND???

Wooster posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 11:40am

*eyes open wide*
Ooooh! Didn't expect THAT.

Gena posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 11:37am

that was so cool i like the part were he stops moving
This is so good i want her voices to be harry

Gena posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 11:36am

that was so cool i like the part were he stops moving

Gena posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 1:41am

what oh my god

Wooster posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 12:37am

Voldemort really has no idea what he's up against, does he? One can almost feel sorry for poor old Tommy-boy.

Gena posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 12:25am

I do i do i want fight iwant to learn i so love
that was good can he be my teacher at school please

Wooster posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 12:24am

FINALLY! Happy Valentine's Day to Harry and Ginny!

That lingerie party...whoa.

Wooster posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 12:07am

Good. If Ginny hadn't done it I would have. I know they are only fictional characters and I don't live in their world, but I would have found a way. Those flashbacks were heart wrenching. Great job.

Gena posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 11:58pm

oh my god this is so good i love it so much

Wooster posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 5:53pm


Wooster posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 5:29pm

"*How about; 'I'm powerful, I'm strong, I'm cool, I'm a badass, blah, blah, blah...'*
I'm going to need therapy"
"How's life treating you, Potter?" "Like he caught me in bed with his only daughter,"
"I'm about to separate Malfoy's head from his body," declared Harry calmly. "It's a new kind of stress therapy I've invented. Want to try it?" Every Spell, Curse, Hex and Charm Ever Written, Spoken and Otherwise
From the Beginning of Time Through Till Next Week Tuesday is seriously the best book title i've ever heard. I want one.

Sorry to simply regurgitate your own stuff to you but you're a GENIUS

Wooster posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 5:09pm

Oh god. Hogsmeade! Ooh what an evil cliffhanger.
I'd pay SO much to see Hermione's face when Harry disapparated. I imagine something similar to a goldfish...
Some say the word will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire...
That poem is amazing! Who wrote it?
"First things first, but not necessarily in that order" That is such a Dumbledore thing to say. And the gifts! Harry making's so...sweet. Well done! One little thing, I forgot to put this in the last chapter, you may know this but I figured I should point out that Ginny's name is not Virginia, it's Ginevra. Sorry for the long review!

Wooster posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 4:32pm

she would perform an exceptionally painful operation on his lower regions and feed him the result.
fantastic. Go Hermione! Glad Harry and Ron are back to being friends again. Nothing like a close shave with death to mend broken friendships.
I love your character of Moira, her brogue is awesome.
Yay for Draco crashing into the Slytherin stands. That made my day.

Wooster posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 4:11pm

Ron can be such a bloody prat sometimes. Maybe now he'll start thinking before getting so freakin' jealous. He may be one of my favorite characters, but he's still a bit of a jerk. That nightmare was terrifying, and amazingly written. Great job!

Wooster posted a comment on Thursday 15th December 2005 7:21pm

"Hold me." Fred and George are still as hilarious as ever. What I can't wait for is how Sirius reacts to the "Harry/Ginny" issue. He strikes me as the kind of guy who'd get a kick out of making fun of his godson and his first girlfriend...

Wooster posted a comment on Thursday 15th December 2005 7:03pm

Oh this is SO much fun. I wonder who Ginny's voice is? Harry, maybe?
"He thinks he's Dirty Harry."

"No, I'm sure he had a shower this morning."

You are a mad genius, you know that?