By Ruskbyte
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Wednesday 21st February 2007 9:46pm
Hehe, I love it. The love is being poured in your direction. Lovely work.
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Wednesday 21st February 2007 9:30pm
He is so kick-ass. I loved all the spells you created, it was so entertaining to see magic that does things I haven't head of before. And I made a game out of guessing what a spell does before I read it, just from my slim knowledge of Latin that I've gained from my excessive knowledge of English and Spanish (and a little French too). It was really cool to see words I recognized then see them performed as a spell. Oh, and ennui is the best word ever, only the French could think such a mood up, one we don't even have a proper word for in English. Anyways, I really loved the fight. Harry kicking butt is always fun to see.
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Wednesday 21st February 2007 5:58pm
Hehe, yay. Harry kicks Snapes butt and manages to get stage fright all in one chappie. Very, very good. I just LOVE this.
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Wednesday 21st February 2007 5:42pm
I cannot contain the yay that is coming out of me right now! I wonder when I'm going to run out of different things to say and have to start repeating. Probably soon, knowing me, and how at the end of each chapter all I can think about is reading on...
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Wednesday 21st February 2007 5:13pm
Those reactions made me giggle, like a schoolgirl (and please, ignore the fact that I am one). That's a new development in my life. Very, very cute. Odd how Ron and Hermione got together, but it's somehow appropriate for the two of them. As for Harry and Ginny... well, I know how it ends up, and I like that they're sort of already there, in a hug-y sort of way. It's good. Very good stuff.
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Wednesday 21st February 2007 1:41am
So much yay it's overwhelming.
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Wednesday 21st February 2007 1:24am
I loved this story the first time I read it and I am fully looking forward to enjoying it again. posted a comment on Wednesday 11th October 2006 3:27am
OUTSTANDING STORY!!!! This is how book 5 should of really been written period!!!! Your an amazing writer and this story was so cool, you really made it sound and feel like I was there the entire book. Are you planning to do a year 7 book by chance? Do keep up the outstanding work:):):):)
cruiser8 posted a comment on Sunday 30th July 2006 11:26am
nice start. now i have to read it to see what happens next
Grukal posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 1:13pm
A very interesting plot story, with a lot of changes, which adds a bit of personal flavour here. Great work! Keep it up!
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 8:54pm
Getting Draco's goat is always such fun.
Well done that.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 8:32pm
Great moment when Hermione didn't recognize Harry.
Wonderful for Ginny how Harry is treating her.
Voices? What voices? Who, me, scitzo?
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 8:19pm
Fascinating uses of owl post to tell your story.
The slow development of H/G with the back channel commentary between Ginny and Hermione is clever and a half.
Fun read!
David Thacker posted a comment on Tuesday 21st March 2006 1:12am
Thank you for this story and the time and effort that you have put in to it.Please ignore any and all flames.Enjoy your self when you write and have fun in your life when you can.
Victor1 posted a comment on Monday 20th March 2006 2:07pm
this is good
im glad i actually became curious about this!
when i first read the synopsis, i must admit i wasn't really that excited.
but man oh man how my opinion has changed!
i'm really looking forward to reading this story!!!
Mariposa posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 5:41pm
Lovely ending, lovely story! I love reading super!Harry. I find it a very enjoyable part of fan fiction and this is definitely one of my favorite super!Harrys that I've read. I really liked the fantastical elements of the story and all the personalities you put into the Order. I liked the falling out with Ron in the story and found it much more dramatic than in the 4th book, even though I can't see Ron having another falling out with Harry like that. I can suspend that belief because the story was so enjoyable that my ideas didn't matter, I just wanted to keep reading the story. I loved all the flirting and sexual tension. I feel its missing from JKR's books and love reading it in fanfic. These years should be full of it and I'm glad you included it. This was a wonderful story and apart from very few and infrequent grammatical errors and not fixing Ginny's name from Virginia to Ginevra everywhere, I can't really complain. In short Bravo! and I'm going to start reading part 2 right now.
Robin Westerly posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 9:40pm
Thank you thank you thank you
My Brain is not functioning at the moment soI have nothing constructive to say but thankyou!
Logan Goodhue posted a comment on Monday 23rd January 2006 11:24am
Being an author in the fandom, I enjoyed the Evangelion cameo in this chapter. ;)
That said, an enjoyable work, few problems beyond everyone having a different source for Ginny's name... (Virginia vs. Ginevra)
AK posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 6:15pm
Darn ur good, I've reread this story god knows how many times and still am impressed how nice to read it is. And it's good that you came to this site its by far the most user friendly I have seen so far. I see that you corrected the Qui into Oui from Fleurs seech, but you seem to name Ginne Virginnia and the Genievra might want to change that one way or the other.
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Wednesday 21st February 2007 10:44pm