Culture Shock
Homeward Bound
By Ruskbyte
jgkitarel posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 11:12pm for Homeward Bound
You know, you just got me to look into reading something new.
Anyway, interesting premise for the story, and I can just see what chaos will occur with Harry now.
GCU Names:
GCU: Been There, Done That
GCU: Improbable Certainty
GCU: Too Much Information
GCU: Madness's Sanity
GCU: Never in Haste
GCU: Wisdom Comes From Having Done it Before
whimsical007 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 11:09pm for Homeward Bound
How will the Minds react to finding out that this primitive planet contains tens of thousands of stupid barbaric people who casually and ignorantly play with energies which can incinerate a planet?
whimsical007 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 11:01pm for Homeward Bound
GCU Plan B
GCU Slower than Infinity (a tribute to Larry Niven)
GCU The Other Guy Did It
GCU Animal Urges
GCU Smoke Without Fire
GCU Not tonight, I have a headache
GCU Cosmic Irony
CaffeineAddict posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 10:23pm for Homeward Bound
Just a side question on the sexuality side of things, do culture citizens reach mental and physical maturity faster than your average human being? because due to the information available in the story, Harry's age seems to more closely parallel that of a sixteen year old not an eleven year old. Just curious as the one tidbit relating to this made it seem as though serious relationships at his age were common place(I haven't read Mr. Banks' books and this is the one but I'm a little confused about) as the Minds and other assorted authority figures didn't seem to find it at all odd. Incredibly interesting so far, and I almost feel sorry for Snape, Dumbledor, and the Ferret, almost, alright I lied, this is going to be fun *grins evilly* would anyone care to be broken down into their constituent atoms and spread liberally over a large area? anyone?
Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 10:06pm for Homeward Bound
Thanks for the fine chapter. W.
Jeremy DuCharme posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 9:44pm for Homeward Bound
It’s not like some hideous magical monster’s going to try and kill him on his first day in the classroom
Do I hear the rumble of ominous thunder in the background? :)
However," she took a deep breath, "if anyone on Terra even looks at Harry the wrong way, I want you to cut loose with everything you have. Effector fields, knife-missiles, X-ray lasers, Antimatter nanomissiles — I don’t care what you use or how you use it. I want the fuckers dead before a single hair on that boy’s head is mussed out of place. Understand?"
Yep, Impressive effect to get that sound through space. :)
jenks posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 7:58pm for Homeward Bound
love it
Terdwilicker posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 7:37pm for Homeward Bound
Woohoo. More please.
HSRTG posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 7:28pm for Homeward Bound
RE: Ben Russell
The one bit of privacy in the Culture is that of your own mind. Nothing and no one intrudes on that. Suffice to say, if the use of Legilimency comes out, there will be hell to pay.
Particle_Accelerator posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 4:13pm for Homeward Bound
Love the names of ships! And Harry is a lucky dog! However, the Minds have raised a valid point... how well is Harry going to fit in on Earth? I think he needs to be undergoing some immersion training with Sma so he will be able to acclimatize to Earth, otherwise his attitude could be worse than Malfoy's. Just a thought.
Can't wait for the next installment!
millercommamatt posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 3:58pm for Homeward Bound
This story will put to the test Arthur C. Clark's phrase, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Something tells me this is the idea you've being aiming for.
millercommamatt posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 3:11pm for Homeward Bound
I find this crossover fascinating.
smog2187 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 2:39pm for Homeward Bound
Well-written, not overly focused on smut and even though I haven't read (or even heard of) the Culture novels, your story is completely immersive.
Though I dislike the idea of drugging a person to control their moods, it's not an attempt to remove free will as it is in other books.
All-in-all a great fic, thanks for writing!
JNorth posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 1:39pm for Homeward Bound
Great chapter.
One thing I find interesting is that Harry is being sent to earth to learn magic, yet from the little we have seen so far it would be more reasonable to assume he will be doing the teaching instead. For example, where in canon do you see people doing extensive wandless magic? And yet in this chapter we have seen Harry dual apparate - not touching his companion, and make mention of being able to conjure items up to 50kg.
Can't wait to see what happens when they reach earth.
Chris Jenks posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 1:37pm for Homeward Bound
Two thoughts on this chapter: the Minds will have fun with Potions, won't they? All those obscure directions and ingredients...
x End in Tears
Idon't deny that it works, but how? and why?
My other thought is on a meta level: it would be easy for the Harry/Skaffen-Amtiskaw and Harry/drone interactions to become too similar to the Harry/Father relationship in Backwards Compatible. I hope you're watching out for that.
A very enjoyable fic so far. My only complaint is that you've added a half-dozen books to my "To Read" pile.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 1:17pm for Homeward Bound
Heh, it's amazing how cultural expectations can affect perception of reality. Faced with the information Dumbles has, particularly the behavior of the tracking compasses in conjunction with the power requirements of the rite, someone from a modern-tech muggle background would look at a very long distance (as in several light years, minimum) as being obvious, yet Dumbles doesn't even consider that properly and immediately jumps to the idea of strong wards and protections, which he is familiar with. On the other manipulative member, the Minds can't seem to comprehend that abilities such as magic gives need to be trained; if they're monitoring Harry's lessons, I imagine his clones/copies will get similar training to see if they can learn to handle magic. I wonder who's going to get more surprises, Dumbles or the Minds?
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 12:21pm for Homeward Bound
Very nice, and got to say, given how protective of Harry that the Minds are, along with Sma, I'd say that unless something really goes wrong, people will not be at all prepared for just how insane it will get when he finally arrives. Looking forward to the next part, and to what the observation ships report on the planet.
Christopher Gilmore posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 9:43am for Homeward Bound
Fabulous, as always. This is the kind of story that always leaves you ready for more. Thanks again for writing it!
canoncansodoff posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 9:40am for Homeward Bound
This is a great story...I used to read a lot of sci-fi as a kid, and you've drawn be back to it enough that I'm thinking about a trip to amazon to load up on IM Banks novels.
The sexual mores of the Culture, as depicted in this fic, should prove interesting once Harry arrives at Hogwarts (Come to think of hit, Sma will be a trip, as well). He'll certainly be more experienced than any of the other 11 year old wizards. But will you run up against age of consent issues (either in the story or in the real world?) Hope not.
GJMEGA posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 11:46pm for Homeward Bound