Content Harry Potter


James Hebrard posted a comment on Saturday 11th July 2009 6:39am

See, it would have been good if you had continued with this. and i really hope that you do because leaving it unfinished is just unethical.

scribbler posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd April 2009 4:17pm

REALLY, really wish you'd continue this story. It's so frustrating to get to this point and then come to a dead, cold stop. You've done such a nice job with it...and then you've let it die. It's so not fun.

Please? finish this?



Kiritsu posted a comment on Tuesday 21st April 2009 7:00pm

Tribbles at Hogwarts...*snickers*

This causes much Crack.
The main two being
1. Ron going Gandalf on them
2. Dumbledore and the Gryffindors doing an accidental re-enactment of part of the Exodus.

Now I have to write them...the Crack!bunnies won't go away until I do.

Lerris Smith posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 2:35am

Very good overall. The reference to Mr. Green Turtle reminded me of Kodachi's crocodile in Ranma 1/2, but that is obscure enough not to be overly distracting. The reference to tribbles was a bit distracting. I would have at least come up with another name, and then had someone remark on how they are kind of like tribbles. At some point you referenced "40-watt phased plasma rifle". Forty watts is along the lines of your refrigerators light bulb. I would remove recommend just dropping the "40-watt" part.

Now, onto the plot itself. You have an all powerful being (or similar) helping thing out. While not bad persay, it can weaken the story, but so far so good. It appears you are balancing things a little by Voldemorts new interests.

I think the most amusing part is Luna and her attraction to Ginny. For some reason I thought she was interested in Ron for a time, but Ginny does make more sense in hindsight.

Thanks for writing this. I look forward to updates.

Anansii posted a comment on Friday 27th March 2009 9:16pm

Just finished rereading this again... For the vision of Hogwarts Castle filled with tribbles alone this thing holds fond memories, even if you still haven't continued it. Because you can't decide if you want to be serious or humorous, perhaps? Whatever it is, I hope you get past it soon, if only because I'd really like to know what Harry's up to with the "metal wand".

BTW, what got into Harry that he completely ignores the implications of stealing stuff wholesale from the military, even though it IS for the same mission they have it for, namely saving the country? Or is this to balance the swimmingpool full of angst he gets dropped into routinely in some other stories? :)

Jess1 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th January 2009 9:58am

Please, please, please... When are you going to update this story? I've been waiting patiently for so long now...

dennisud posted a comment on Thursday 13th November 2008 9:04pm

I'm really wanting to see how this goes and though I enjoy your other stories, I wonder how a Harry/Hermione/Luna story would go with you writing it!

just a suggestion!


Riven posted a comment on Thursday 13th November 2008 1:27pm

is there going to be any updates to this story anytime soon? I really like it.

jerry3 posted a comment on Saturday 8th November 2008 11:29pm

is this story abandoned?

UdderPD posted a comment on Tuesday 4th November 2008 5:58am

A lot of people would be very pleased if you could find it in your muse to complete this wonderful story.

TTFN udderPD

Rage and Light posted a comment on Sunday 12th October 2008 3:35am

This is a great story and I have really enjoyed reading it, I was wondering if you were planning on adding to it anytime soon?


cwejr posted a comment on Friday 10th October 2008 1:24pm

WOW, 2 1/2 years without an update, and still considered a work-in-progress. 18 chapters and holding (HA). It's a very interesting story, just a shame to drop it with almost a cliffy. I do wish you would finish it. Please.

Saphimire posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 3:45pm

GAH! I dislike cliffhangers. Immensely. D:

But I do adore your stories, and since most of them have cliffhangers, I think I'll be able to survive. =D

I know I haven't really reviewed many of your other pieces of writing, but I do read them and I am in love with just about everything you have on this website. *___* I really hope you update this one soon/again, and I'll be eagerly awaiting any other updates to any of your other stories as well! ^_^

All the luck to you with your writing and rabid plot bunnies!~~~

Highflyer posted a comment on Saturday 16th August 2008 12:24pm

I wish to join your other fans in expressing my desire to see this story continue. More than any other story on the web, I keep my eye on Backwards Compatible. It is a wonderful plot, wonderfully told. Having read your comments on what you see coming up for the characters, I can only wait with eager anticipation for this tale to unfold. Some tales are most definitely worth waiting for.

A big fan,


Militis posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 6:10am

I hope you plan to finish this fic sometime. I really enjoyed reading it; as with all your other fics too.

fountaam posted a comment on Wednesday 16th April 2008 12:26pm

Hope you have the urge to revisit this fic sometime.


Prongs1977 posted a comment on Saturday 12th April 2008 2:52pm

Oh I really hope you're going to continue this!

Mesterio posted a comment on Thursday 27th March 2008 4:36am

Very nice, i have loved every bit of this fic so far. I really hope we get to see more of it soon! Cant wait to see Ginny's reaction to Luna, or Rons reaction to Luna's interest in Ginny! hehe...

Aelita posted a comment on Wednesday 19th March 2008 4:57pm

Please update this soon, I want to know qhat is happening with the board meeting! Please please update this I LOVE IT!

(deleted) posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 6:48am

PLEASE! finish this story! it is absolutely fantastic and so original! I know i speak for a whole load of people when i say that this one is worth being brought back to life. It is a total shame to let it die!