Content Harry Potter


Saphimire posted a comment on Sunday 14th September 2008 7:16pm for Setting Tomorrow's Stage

Um... I don't quite get the Voldemort part. Does this mean that there might be another story that goes with this one? That this story isn't finished? ... confused...

mashimaromadness posted a comment on Sunday 29th April 2007 2:28am for Setting Tomorrow's Stage

Aaah, Voldie is sufficiently creepy, that's for sure. Quite a dramatic ending. I like what you did with Bella and bringing her back from insanity, although that will change her character a little, her canon character is a bit touched in the head. I loved the chapter.

Wooster posted a comment on Monday 19th December 2005 6:41pm for Setting Tomorrow's Stage

Oh sh-!
Wooster! What were you about to say???
N-Nothing I swear! Shoot! I was going to say shoot! PLEASE DONT GROUND ME FROM THE COMPUTER!!!