Content Harry Potter


Patches posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 11:36am for Part I

This is a really twisted story! I'm not real fond of Freddy Cruger but I'm game to follow this as you develope it. Harry's reaction to being woke up was really weird but I can't really blame him. Thanks for writing. pms

shadowtrey posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 9:37am for Part I

*stares* Oh, now this is rather interesting... I always liked Freddy. He was...intriguing. Can't wait to see more of your usual quality work!

JaCee2u posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 7:12am for Part I

This has possibilities. I look forward to seeing where you take it. Thanks, as always, for taking the time to write and even more-so for sharing.

Celexs posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 5:48am for Part I

I really enjoyed this. I thought your Story Evil Be Thou My Good was awesome, and this one looks to be shaping up to be just as good if not better. I cant wait to see how this plays out. Excellent work.


Telerias posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 5:34am for Part I

You can always come up with a crossover I have never seen done! Excellent, can't wait to see more

Envy posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 5:11am for Part I

Oh, I love it!
But please tell me that this isn't based on the second movie...
that was horrible in a terrible dissapointing kind of way.

But this is really original here, I hope you update soon

kb0 posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 5:05am for Part I

Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of it. I'll probably have to read another chapter or two before I decide. OTOH, part of me would have preferred another chapter of "Culture Shock". But it's all free, so it's your choice... :)

K. A. Raith posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 4:11am for Part I

Should be entertaining, no?

Yes, please. We all need a little scare once a while.

Milhent posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 4:05am for Part I

I love your story and can't wait for more! You always make interesting crossovers, and that "anyone can die" sounds even more intriguing.

But I am really glad that I am reading it early in the morning and not in the evening - the one time my fearless sister have convinced me to watch Nightmare on the Elm Street, I had nightmares for several days.

hallow posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 3:57am for Part I

I Love It!! So far this is the only crossover i have liked featuring Freddy on any of the Fanfiction sites i visit daily. Keep up the great work i love it all

Lokilos posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 3:40am for Part I

Ok, that was AWESOME!!! This is giving off a similar feeling to the Hellraiser story you wrote and I loved that. I can't wait to see how this resolves.

Coranth posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 1:25am for Part I

Harry Potter + Freddy Fruegar + Lots of slicing and dicing + Ruskbyte = PURE FUCKING WIN!!!!!!!

Matthew Sands posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 12:55am for Part I

I'm somewhat conflicted. I want to see where you go with this, but I also hate Freddy for the cheating wanky git that he is and don't want to see him achieve even the most fleeting temporary success, even in the utterly non-canon context of a crossover fanfic.

If I can make it through To Fight The Coming Darkness, presumably I can manage here, but I'll definitely be hoping for Freddy to suffer an irreversible and thoroughly final death at the end.

Definitely a good set up, and the lack of utter onesidedness is a large plus. Presumably, since Harry had to have his defenses torn down to become vulnerable it's his description of Freddy that will open up the other students to attack, and there may be a Freddy Vs. Jason-esque buildup while he develops his strength. Or not, see: cheating wanky git.

Although, the canon regarding him does bring up the possibility of obliviation as a somewhat viable defense, and therefore the Ministry of Magic may actually be one of the best equipped organizations for eliminating a threat for once in the history of the multiverse.

Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 3rd April 2011 12:43am for Part I

Well written chapter

Tumshie posted a comment on Saturday 2nd April 2011 11:49pm for Part I

Well all I can say is I hope the right people die. Fantastic start

amewett posted a comment on Saturday 2nd April 2011 11:25pm for Part I

I am not a fan of the Nightmare on Elm Street series, so I will not be reading this fic.

bothsidesoftheissue posted a comment on Saturday 2nd April 2011 11:20pm for Part I

Anyone can die--including Harry? That would likely end the story pretty quickly, but if you're planning on it ending in an atypical manner (i.e. main character DOESN'T win), then that might be the point...-Huntress

Jim Edge posted a comment on Saturday 2nd April 2011 10:51pm for Part I

You've got my interest! Could be very entertaining, trying to decide whether I should laugh or not.

the DragonBard posted a comment on Saturday 2nd April 2011 10:38pm for Part I

Not a bit fan of the Freddy Krueger movies, so I think I'll pass on this particular fic.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Saturday 2nd April 2011 10:28pm for Part I

Oh, wow! What a crossover. Will Harry be observer to the other deaths? There are some I wouldn't mind seeing, like Malfoy and Umbridge, but I'm not looking forward to my favorite characters being killed in horribly bloody ways. Although the fear that will be building up in the castle should be awsome; And even though they will see, time and again that Harry couldn't have done it, him knowing who had been killed before anyone else will creep the castle out.

Good luck with it. Looking forward to the terror.