From the Abyss
Eye of the Needle
By Ruskbyte
Ronnee posted a comment on Tuesday 10th January 2006 4:42pm for Eye of the Needle
Now this is an interesting chapter, almost more so than the previous three. For all that he hates and despises the Wizarding world, he remained there. He could have vanished, hidden himself away so completely that they would never find him and instead, he creates a mile-high tower in the center of Hogsmeade. Not only that but the symbolism, putting himself up above them, so high that they are mere ants to him - partly taking on deity styling and partly showing that he is superior to them. The mix of magic and technology is also interesting - the army of magical constructs that separate him from the world he was so abruptly ejected from and betrayed by. But he allows Dobby to stay - because Dobby never doubted him, never betrayed him. The only others who did not doubt or betray him are dead, his parents, Hagrid, and Sirius.
Is he still mad? In some ways yes, most definitely. But in others, I think he's become the most feared person of all, one who has nothing left to make him stay within the norms of society and social mores.
I'm definitely liking the complexity of this and the depth of the imagery. Still find it a bit frightening, especially the way he so naturally seems to have changed from the child wizard to the adult mage.
Chris Williams posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 10:07am for Eye of the Needle
Well I used to be a fan of your work. This fic has lost me.
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Tuesday 26th June 2007 2:44pm for Eye of the Needle