From the Abyss
A Family Affair
By Ruskbyte
GknightS posted a comment on Thursday 29th December 2005 2:02am for A Family Affair
hey.. nice story.. i really enjoyed it.. as crazy as that sounds.. but i really don't want Harry to end up with Hermiony.. i don't care what he does he her.. but i really would rather have Harry fall in love with a muggle girl that he for some reason can't just control and shag. and then a happy ending.. but what ever it is that you decide to do it's your story and it's all good..
i have some ideas.. you might or might not want to consider..
1. make Harry have a symbol.. a symbol that everyone will fear when seen.. not exactly following Voldemort's foot steps.. but something that represents his power..
2. if you want to consider the muggle girl idea i stated before then have her support him and love him.. so that he can come out of his insanity..
Alex00 posted a comment on Monday 26th December 2005 8:58pm for A Family Affair
great story
James Benfield posted a comment on Friday 9th December 2005 12:01am for A Family Affair
Strange...deffinately strange, but good. You have protrayed an insane Harry in the best way I have ever seen. Keep it up.
anonymous posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2005 2:57pm for A Family Affair
Original and brilliant. Please continue.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 3:28pm for A Family Affair
Now *this* is what an Azkaban revengefic *should* be. :-)
Jon_Stroop posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 12:21pm for A Family Affair
Wow. All I can say is, wow. This story is amazing. You capture the essence of insanity perfectly. Seriously kick ass. Keep writing and I will keep reading.
DaZZa posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 3:36am for A Family Affair
Dark and evil and I love it.
Bravo - I'll be watching this one closely to see where it ends.
Roy posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 6:47pm for A Family Affair
WOW where to begin, this is beyond dark and twisted. I am not normally a huge fan of Dark Harry, but I know your work well enough to want to see where you actually go with this one.
ridmania posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 6:46am for A Family Affair
very good i wonder what will become of harry? defeat voldemort and clear his name?I BLOODY
Bobmin356 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 3:35am for A Family Affair
this has been an extraordinarily difficult read. I like the story idea, but the first person perspective with weird formatting is making it hard to follow. :(
The Resident posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 3:19am for A Family Affair
Definately dark, but understandable. I think that, given the circumstances, I'd be the same way. I am really looking forward to see where you go from here.
crs_seq posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 1:24am for A Family Affair
real nice. revenge is sweet. would like to see what harry does to hermione and ginny maybe tonks too.
is there going to be pairings in this fic or just sweet cold revenge.
ridmania posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 7:39pm for A Family Affair
awesome!!! love this story but i think it would be better if there was more diologue
Machiavelli Jr posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 12:36pm for A Family Affair
Welcome to ffa. I take it back. You're not scary. Terrifying is more the mark. Dumbledore a bit weedy - I'd have thought he'd have more to say for himself. Here's hopeing you meant it when you said WIP, and that Harry's meeting with Hermione comes soon. KUTNightmarishW
nonjon posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 10:45am for A Family Affair
Welcome to this lovely site.
Glad to see your fics are not residing exclusively at one particular and occasionally temperamental other site.
Equally glad to see this called a WIP, while Midnight Avatar is called Abandoned. Even though I love Midnight Avatar (probably more than this one even), it gives me hope that you might return to this one.
Though, for what it's worth, you might want change the rating on this story. May want to double-check other stories too. Of course you're still settling in, so you may just not have reached that point yet.
Either ways, welcome to an alternative home Ruskbyte, or Russell according to your About page. (never would have guessed that... so is your name like "Russ-kbyte/kilobyte" or more like "Russ K. Bites"? Actually nevermind.)
Though I am curious if you're going to post The Lost Generation here, or if you're writing that with Barb. I just this morning noticed your fics were on but that fic I always associated with Barb's trilogy on your listing, and containing 'slash', most definitely jumped out to me as a surprise.
Greg Johnson posted a comment on Thursday 29th December 2005 9:43pm for A Family Affair