By Ruskbyte
EricThorsen posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 7:28pm
Oh that is just too rich... Can't wait for more.
Regress posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 7:09am
You have GOT to continue this story! I don't mean to be pushy but I love it! I haven't read something this funny in AGES, and after reading all the angsty dark Harry stuff out there, the kind needs a bit of fun every now and then eh?
Hutcho7188 posted a comment on Friday 9th December 2005 5:15am
LMAO this story is Hilarious. please write more soon.
ridmania posted a comment on Friday 9th December 2005 3:09am
lol aweosme story love it heaps keep up the great work!!!!
Hagrid posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2005 5:12pm
Drugs, magic and butterbeer, that can't be a good combination. Love the road runner, sure you weren't mixing somethings yourself?
Perry DeLorme posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 7:26pm
this has got to be one of the most intertaining stories i have ever read.
Machiavelli Jr posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 3:51pm
As much of a hoot as I remembered. Setting new standards of randomness and screwy-crossover-ness but I love it anyway. Tonks is fun, the Men In Black are a bit cliche but still genius and Bellatrix's fate chilling - do you ever write something that isn't supposed to cause nightmares? I notice you hate Ron as well. What did the poor sod ever do to you that you keep torturing him? Crucio'd, ignored, shuffled off to the sidelines and now married to Luna. What next? KUTGW and I hope this is still updating.
The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 8:18pm