Culture Shock
Diagonal Movement
By Ruskbyte
Longreach posted a comment on Thursday 2nd October 2008 9:06am for Diagonal Movement
At last! At long last an update. I am not ashamed to say that when I saw that my favourite crossover fic of all time had been updated, I had danced a jig (in the office no less). A superb chapter, I could fully imagine the Hat wanting to have a go at a bottle of firewhiskey after that spat.
Mariposa posted a comment on Thursday 2nd October 2008 8:29am for Diagonal Movement
Loved the chapter! And Harry kissing Sma like that in front of McGonagall! Brilliant! And then his confrontation with the Sorting Hat! I can't wait to see the fall out from that!
ChocoholicWriter posted a comment on Thursday 2nd October 2008 6:46am for Diagonal Movement
lol, the conversation between Harry and the Sorting Hat was hilarious. I don't think I've ever read a fic where Harry argues with the Sorting Hat aloud and accuses it of mind rape. So funny. Kudos to you. Love it.
jilumasam posted a comment on Thursday 2nd October 2008 2:41am for Diagonal Movement
Oooooh!!! Very Very nicely done!
dunedain714 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd October 2008 12:34am for Diagonal Movement
All Chapters to date: a delightful read...despite not knowing anything about the Culture novels. This clash of cultures embodied in Harry is refreshingly unpredictable. The writing is as sharp as a knife-missile--at turns sarcastic, witty, heart-wrenching and funny. Keep writing. Thanks--Dane.
darthloki posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 11:25pm for Diagonal Movement
artenry posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 9:18pm for Diagonal Movement
I... am... amazed.
I bow before your literary prowess.
Cuey posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 8:22pm for Diagonal Movement
Wow, I am glad you updated this because it is fast becoming one of my two favorite fanfics of all time. This was a great chapter, very fun to read, but if I needed to pick the line that I liked the most it would have be the End in Tears calling the book-transcribing process "slow."
spidercrossing53 posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 3:57pm for Diagonal Movement
This is definitely a unique story. I look forward to reading more.
Ben10 posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 11:50am for Diagonal Movement
YEAH! I love Culture Shock.
Elfwyn posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 10:42am for Diagonal Movement
Wonderful. Can't wait for the Ravenclaws to get over their shock and for the other muggleborns to think about the mind rape and wonder.
UdderPD posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 10:20am for Diagonal Movement
I am looking forward to Snape trying Leglimency on Harry.
However I am slightly worried that in canon Ravenclaw never have lessons with Gryffindor; ergo the majority of usual characters will be sidelined.
marcelhm posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 9:04am for Diagonal Movement
hmmm quite sure I already said it for some earlier chapters but ******** do I love this story, it's just so much fun, and I must say this has got to be the most aptly (I believe that is the term and how it's written) story ever.
waiting faithfully for new chaps ;)
cmatbmed posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 8:01am for Diagonal Movement
Thanks, I truly enjoy this story. I think that the interaction between Sma and Harry is what makes the story.
The complete disbelief in all that they see is more along the lines most muggle-born's should have but don't in cannon.
I was wondering if you channeled the sorting hat from The lie I lived. Very funny.
Darryn posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 6:36am for Diagonal Movement
I'm loving this story
Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 2:52am for Diagonal Movement
Well the road to Hogwarts doesn't seem to be smooth for our hero. It should be fun to see his interaction with the students. Thanks for writing. W.
Thwaaack posted a comment on Tuesday 30th September 2008 10:52pm for Diagonal Movement
Good to have you back, I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed the wand shopping and the sorting.....though I would have preferred it if the hat simply ignited from overload through the lace. Looking forward to the next installment
Donald McLeod posted a comment on Tuesday 30th September 2008 9:34pm for Diagonal Movement
I realy do injoy this story. Please do not drop it. It's defferrent and yet its a Harry Potter story from a fresh look and point of view. good job.
Thank you.
James Barber posted a comment on Tuesday 30th September 2008 9:16pm for Diagonal Movement
Nice chapter, you brought up some interesting points that I've never considered the sorting - mind rape!?! also the wand thingy was rather cool, but I got to tell ya the thing that got this old fart mind agoing was the kiss between harry and sma at the leaky cauldron...every boys fantasy is to have an older woman say in her 30's take them as their lover! showing them the ropes and all that....
Michael Cornfoot posted a comment on Thursday 2nd October 2008 10:06am for Diagonal Movement