Culture Shock
Diagonal Movement
By Ruskbyte
Koalasco posted a comment on Monday 28th December 2009 6:54pm for Diagonal Movement
I am not joking when I say that this is, most definitely, the most original, probably the most well-written, story I have ever read, and this includes non-fanfiction. And believe me, I'm an avid reader.
This story ranks immediately in my Top Ten of All Time. Seriously. Maybe even the top five.
It's such a pity that this is discontinued... or at least, on a long hiatus. Are you planning on finishing this? It would be highly interesting.
I appreciate the wonderful writing, the fantastic characters (even though they aren't yours, you write them very well), the great plot...
Please update soon... I'll review!
Nargus posted a comment on Friday 25th December 2009 5:08am for Diagonal Movement
Mmm...a change from most other Harry Potter fic, certainly :p
FailGate posted a comment on Thursday 24th December 2009 9:59am for Diagonal Movement
For such an advanced civilisation, Harry is very uncouth. Isnt his language supposed to be peacefull? Sma may have set an example, but the same is true for her. For such a harmonic language, they like their swearing :)
Good chapter, they really have no idea what they are getting into, do they :/
flynhghr posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd December 2009 7:24pm for Diagonal Movement
Please continue this, it's simply too much fun to leave idle! I'd imagine you had a bit of outcry about the sorting, but I think it's only logical with the upbringing. Surprising the hat didn't reference the differences in sexual experience when compared to the typical 11 year old. I really hope you keep this going, it's a wonderful piece of work. posted a comment on Monday 30th November 2009 1:25am for Diagonal Movement
sorry looks very good not that i have read any of the material outside of the harry potter series hoping for more in the near future
Finwitch posted a comment on Sunday 13th September 2009 3:22pm for Diagonal Movement
Interesting. I shall await you to continue this fic.
Alrissa posted a comment on Friday 17th July 2009 1:23am for Diagonal Movement
Ran into the story agan, love the last chapter.
Missed, initially the part where the hat is speaking Marain and thought dirty laundry was being aired. But that's just my reading style.
Oh, And i love seeing both the culture and wizards being thrown off the loop. Good one.
ionicwake posted a comment on Friday 29th May 2009 4:54pm for Diagonal Movement
damn it i love this fic .
to bad there hasn't been an update in ......sorry ranting !
noylj posted a comment on Thursday 7th May 2009 12:56am for Diagonal Movement
I sure wish that Ruskbyte would come back and finish his great stories.
Kathryn Berry posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd April 2009 10:01am for Diagonal Movement
Are you going to continue this one? I find it fascinating.
Banner posted a comment on Tuesday 21st April 2009 9:13am for Diagonal Movement
I just reread this last chapter, and it's even better the second time. I caught a great deal more detail on the reread. This story is cheerfully blowing canon out of the water, and it's wonderful fun to watch.
It'll be interesting to see Harry's and Culture's reaction to Thestrals and dragons, which disobey ordinary laws of physics.
Lerris Smith posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2009 10:18pm for Diagonal Movement
Amusing so far. With this kind of story I can't see the default of Voldemort being the primary plot. Certainly they posses the technology to blow him and his followers up on a daily basis, if needed.
Still, I'm curious where your going to take this..
nublar posted a comment on Friday 10th April 2009 5:19pm for Diagonal Movement
Funny and very unique story. I'm looking forward to more. Thanks for the great read.
rede30325 posted a comment on Sunday 5th April 2009 4:10pm for Diagonal Movement
More please.
Holly posted a comment on Monday 30th March 2009 6:59pm for Diagonal Movement
I just found this story and I love it! Great job so far. Keep up the good work and update soon when you can!
Terdwilicker posted a comment on Saturday 7th February 2009 12:23pm for Diagonal Movement
I think the problem with this story is The Culture is a logical setting which relies on logic to resolve situations but Rowling's HP series is NOT logical and instead uses Deus Ex Machina to resolve most problems, even the ones detected logically. While that's fine for children's stories, it doesn't work for a crossover, thus you are stuck. A lot of authors run smack into this problem too. It is a shame as the image of Culture Minds and Drones figuring out the wizarding world appealled. Oh well.
Dave Harris posted a comment on Tuesday 27th January 2009 5:18pm for Diagonal Movement
Just reading "The Player of Games" and laughed out loud once I realised where you'd picked Harry's reaction to the guards outside Gringotts from.
Peter Volk posted a comment on Sunday 11th January 2009 12:27am for Diagonal Movement
This is a fantastic fusion of two universes, and I am enjoying it very much. The benevolent manipulation by the Culture Minds for the percieved greater good of the Culture strikes me as very reminiscent of Dumbledore's attitude in many fics I have read. It might be worth underlining the similarity at some point in future.
They also, like Dumbledore, are assuming that the precautions they have put in place around Harry are more than adequate to protect him from any concievable threat. This is despite the fact they are operating in what they recognise as an Out of Context environment where magic can invalidate all their assumptions and expectations. At some point, they may suffer a nasty and expensive shock.
Both the Wizarding World and the Culture have massive egos and superiority complexes. It would be interesting to see both deflated.
Katherine posted a comment on Sunday 11th January 2009 12:22am for Diagonal Movement
I hope you update soon. And all those books Sma bought is there a way to download the info into Harry's head just like when he learned Earths languages?
matt2256 posted a comment on Tuesday 5th January 2010 7:27am for Diagonal Movement