Backwards Compatible
By Ruskbyte
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Monday 30th April 2007 12:53am for Nonessentials
Hehe, yay for totally kicking Snape's ass. What could be better than that? Oh, I know, actually witnessing that while eating a bowl of ice cream. But that's about it. That would be cool if that moment was canon and got into the movies, although I am obsessed with Alan Rickman and would probably be disproportionately sad, because no matter how much I hate the character my love for the actor makes it hard.
I'm a little excessively hyper at the moment, so please excuse the rambling. Here's the overall point: I love this story, I loved the chapter, keep up the good work!
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Friday 31st March 2006 10:55am for Nonessentials
The story build up is gripping. The opportunity for speculation ripe.
What a fine story you're weaving here.
Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 29th March 2006 3:44am for Nonessentials
This is good and potentionally bad. Snape is going to go out of his was to cause trouble and Harry doesn't seem to be trying to avoid it.
Thanks for writing. pms
Aurilia posted a comment on Thursday 23rd March 2006 5:01pm for Nonessentials
Snape deserved so much more than that. I applaud Harry's sense of control.
Athena_Rhea posted a comment on Monday 26th November 2007 7:24pm for Nonessentials