Content Harry Potter


impliedauthor posted a comment on Thursday 11th October 2007 10:26am for A Day in the Life

Good story, I'm looking forward to finding out what happens! Update soon!

penguins4me posted a comment on Thursday 4th October 2007 8:36pm for A Day in the Life

Oh, yes, do go on. I want to hear what BZ has to say to these ideas of Harry's. Thank you for a very entertaining story so far.

brad posted a comment on Monday 1st October 2007 9:49pm for A Day in the Life

Only just noticed (here for a quick re-read):

"I, er, forgot that I don't need to shave, and used a Shaving Charm..."

That's a bit of a gaffe on Harry's part, isn't it? I suspect this might have started Dumbledore thinking about what it meant ... a Harry who used to shave must obviously be an older Harry ... i.e. a Harry from the future ...?

Such a pity this story is abandoned! I loved the H/Hr - a lovely feel to it - and all of the other characters. The story's a bit preposterous, future!Harry a bit over-the-top, but hey, it's written so well and so engaging, who cares about that?

squiddy posted a comment on Thursday 20th September 2007 8:20pm for A Day in the Life

Hmm.. is this still being updated? Last update was around 9 months ago... It's a great story and pretty much engrossing to read. I really hope you'll continue writing.


Decumo9 posted a comment on Saturday 15th September 2007 12:53pm for A Day in the Life

great story, i hope you update sometime...

mastapsi posted a comment on Friday 27th July 2007 9:32pm for A Day in the Life

Can't wait for you to come back dude!!! Hope things are going better for you!

I just reread this and it is still just as good as it was when I first read it. Your a great writer and your writing is clean with only a few mistakes here and there. Can't wait to see more again!

Brad1 posted a comment on Tuesday 10th July 2007 6:42am for A Day in the Life

darn i hope you wright more to this and your other stories soon keep up the awesome writing!

DiscountNinja posted a comment on Friday 29th June 2007 11:30am for A Day in the Life

Ruskbyte, Backwards Compatible is incredible. Thought you ought to know. It's just pure brillience, (though, that is par for the course with you).

Hope you're doing alright, 'n stuff =)

Karasu-sama posted a comment on Friday 1st June 2007 8:02pm for A Day in the Life

AUGH! MORE! This story is awesome! Make with the more of it!

Jay-F posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 11:35pm for A Day in the Life

what fun. my favorite scene thus far has definitely been harrys arrival in the great hall... I hope to see the many colored hawiian shirt return at some point.
Thanks for wrriting,

mashimaromadness posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 2:15pm for A Day in the Life

Oh my goodness. And there's nothing left. You must update. It's imparitive! Alright, well, see you on your next update and on the next story. Oh, and by the way, I love the tribbles, so amusing.

darthme1011 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th May 2007 8:32pm for A Day in the Life

continue please

Rictor posted a comment on Saturday 12th May 2007 11:30pm for A Day in the Life

I love The story...PLZ UPDATE!!! it's been over a year!!!

Zvoni posted a comment on Friday 27th April 2007 4:22am for A Day in the Life

Well, i really don't know why i was avoiding this story for so long, but here you go.

Fantastic Story so far. Good job!

Question: Are you a little bit Star Trek-crazy? St. John Talbot, Robert April, Tribbles? LOL

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 10:16am for A Day in the Life

Annnnnd another year goes by without an update!

Particle_Accelerator posted a comment on Tuesday 10th April 2007 10:16am for A Day in the Life


It's been a year! Please, oh PLEASEupdate this story soon. I just finished rereading this (yes, again!), and I'm dying to see Harry's steel construct, as well as he and Hermione progress their relationship while dealing with the increased feedback. I wouldn't also mind reading about Hermione helping Harry with a few power-increasing rituals... :p

Really though, I want to see Voldie get nuked. So, please have pity and give us an update!

sunrisesunset posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2007 12:38am for A Day in the Life

Well, the one year anniversary of your last update has come and gone... and still we don't know what happens next in this story!

In short: If you've abandoned this story, just say so - don't leave us hanging in suspense!

uberwald posted a comment on Wednesday 21st March 2007 10:48pm for A Day in the Life

I'm glad I finally read this, but I'm so incredibly sad that there isn't more :)

Particle_Accelerator posted a comment on Thursday 22nd February 2007 11:59am for A Day in the Life

Hey there Rusk!

Just checking in to TRY and give you some prodding - it's been 11 MONTHS since you've updated this fic! I've read some great stuff since then, but yours is still the best. PLEASE post an update soon! Hope all is well.

Frank Hacklander posted a comment on Wednesday 24th January 2007 9:15am for A Day in the Life

pls finish this! it has to be one of my favorite stories, even in its half-finished state and despite the occasional lapses in grammar, spelling, details (five deatheaters at the granger residence and five at the parkinson place when earlier it was four and six respectively) and humor (tribbles? c'mon now). still, it's brilliant.